This training focuses on understanding and implementing a gender mainstreaming approach in addressing child trafficking. It explores how gender dynamics intersect with child trafficking and the importance of considering gender in prevention, identification, and response strategies.
Please note that the curriculum can be further customized or expanded based on specific time constraints, participant needs, and available resources.
The #UnitedNations promoted the creation of the International Day of Police Cooperation, to be celebrated from September 7, 2023, with the aim of enhancing cooperation between the United Nations and international organizations ♀️⚖️
Os invitamos a uniros a un grupo profesional @MariaMagdalaES en LinkedIn. Están todas y todos bienvenidos a colaborar informaciones de interés sobre abordaje de género y derechos humanos al tráfico ilícito de migrantes en sus países e instituciones.
Para prevenir, identificar e investigar el delito de tráfico ilícito de migrantes, el abordaje necesita centrarse en la persona migrante, y en observar el delito como un crimen pluri ofensivo que atenta contra los intereses del estado y además en muchas investigaciones contra la vida y la seguridad de las...
If your duty is to identify and profile migrant smuggling, organized crime and border management please raise your hand.
Capacity building and training, mentoring or coaching are tools to improve the identification and profiling of victims and smugglers at the border. Let’s start with an assessment.
Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible ODS5 ODS10 ODS16 y ODS17 guían nuestra misión.
D7AS en Acción – Honduras se hizo eco de nuestro trabajo con UNODC en la frontera Honduras-Nicaragua.
Intro de Fuerza de Tarea Atlántica en Costa Rica. Tras 6 meses de mentorías, logramos capacitar a una fuerza de tarea multidisciplinar en abordaje de género y derechos humanos al delito de #Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes Agravado
Aggravated Migrant Smuggling is related to human displacement settings. Women, men and minor migrants face different risks and have particular security needs. There are up to 40 types of gender based violence crimes. How many do you know?
Would you like to taylor a check list to profile victims of Aggravated Migrant Smuggling in border management?
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