UNODC Global Study on Smuggling of Migrants (2018)

The first UNODC Global Study on Smuggling of Migrants shows that migrant smuggling routes affect every part of the world. The study is based on an extensive review of existing data and literature. It presents detailed information about key smuggling routes, the...

Latino migrant victims of crime: Safe reporting for victims with irregular status in the United States and Spain. Nicola Delvino and Markus Gonzalez Beilfuss. Oxford University and Universidad de Barcelona. SAGE Publications. 2021

In both the United States and Spain, Latino migrants are disproportionately exposed to crime victimization. Among them, those with irregular status are scared to report crime to the police out of the fear of deportation. This article explores how national legislation...

Violencia de género en el tráfico de migrantes. Efectos psicosociales y agencia de las mujeres migrantes clandestinas. Sius-geng Salinas y Nanette Liberona. Revista Internacional de Asuntos Migratorios. 2020

“Los Estados están definiendo políticas migratorias desde una óptica de la seguridad nacional, en la que prima la rigidez de los controles fronterizos y las restricciones en el sistema de visado. Como consecuencia, este tipo de políticas trae consigo el aumento de...